Mac Number / Stalker Services
The Mac Number servers available for use with our IPTV Set-top box allow for Stalker Services activation, which primarily uses Mac numbers and portal URLs. These Mac numbers always begin with the numbers and letters 00:1A:79, and if your device has a different Mac number, you’ll need to install an app to use these services. Luckily, we support various apps, including the STB Emulator app, Minsitra app, and Smart STB app, so you can find the perfect fit for your needs. Please note that while these services are versatile, they may not work on all devices, so be sure to check compatibility before making a purchase.pp, Minsitra app, and Smart STB app. Please note all services will not work on ministra app. If you are not sure, contact us for more set-up information on live chat before purchasing. Note 1 Device only!